Keeping the kids involved in reading over the summer and/or getting them started in a good routine of reading or being read to is important! Here are several great opportunities to encourage kids to keep on doing so!
Yankton Community Library - be sure to stop in the library this summer and check out all the books available! Curl up in a chair and read there or check out a book to go read at home or even find a good shade tree at the park to read under.
Reading program at library - join the Yankton Community Library as you "Build A Better World" through the summer reading program they are offering. Register here.
Little Free Library - Yankton is lucky to have a few Little Free Library locations to take advantage of. The idea is to "take a book, return a book". So fun to see what is available each visit and to share your own books. A few locations you may want to visit:
*2110 Mulberry (off of James Pl)
*Roadrunner Gas Station (23rd St)
*Pierson Ranch Campground
*Chief White Crane Campground
*Lewis & Clark Campground
You can also follow Yankton Little Free Library on Facebook and check out this map on the Little Free Library website to show you other Little Free Library locations when you travel! How fun to check off as many sites as you can this summer, making reading even more adventurous!
Big Red Bookshelves - The Big Red Bookshelf places red bookshelves within the community filled with gently used or new books appropriate for children from birth to 5th grade. Books have been donated by local businesses, nonprofit agencies or community members. Children are encouraged to take a book home with them to keep and share! check out the webpage here for all of the Yankton locations.
Barnes & Noble - Kids complete a reading journal and turn it in at the store for a free book! Store locations nearby in Sioux City or Sioux Falls. Download the reading journal here.
Chuck E Cheeses - Kids can earn free game tokens by reading and tracking it on this log.
Story Walk - go for a walk AND read a book! Check out the book pages along the Meridian Bridge.
Audio Books for Teens - SYNC offers free audio books for teens this summer.